Watch Me Grow

Language Development

Language Development

Listen & Communicate
Cognitive Development

Cognitive Development

Play & Explore
Physical Development

Physical Development

Move & Grow
Social & Emotional Development

Social & Emotional Development

Connect & Nurture

Children construct knowledge through play & exploration.

Little Buttercups uses a cross disciplinary teaching model to support children’s on-going language, cognitive, physical and social-emotional development. Each class will offer engaging activities and discovery projects that will integrate a variety of skills from the four learning domains.

Language Development

Connects through listening, speaking, reading & writing

Listening Comprehension (Receptive Language)
Hearing sounds, rhythms and inflections
Responding to sounds, gestures and words to understand language

Communication (Expressive Language)
Mimicking sounds, rhythms, inflections and gestures
Using sounds, gestures, inflections and words to communicate

Phonological Awareness
Mimicking and babbling separate sounds
Interacting with rhymes, songs and stories

Emergent Literacy
Interacting with pictures and books

Cognitive Development

Engaging curious minds though discovery and problem solving

Number Sense
Developing an understanding of object permanence

Exploring parts and wholes

Spatial Awareness
Manipulating and exploring objects
Investigating own body in space

Patterns & Sorting
Demonstrating awareness of routines or patterns
Demonstrating memory skills

Exploring the weight and size of objects

Developing an understanding of cause and effect

Physical Development

Building strength, muscle control, coordination

Gross Motor
Demonstrating strength, balance, and coordination
Traveling and moving

Fine Motor
Demonstrating hand-eye coordination
Using hands/fingers to accomplish simple tasks

Using self-help skills during care routines
Developing safety awareness

Social & Emotional Development

Identifies feelings, self-regulates, build relationships

Expressing needs and wants
Developing sense of self
Expressing feelings

Developing persistence and attention
Developing coping strategies

Social Relationships
Developing trust and security
Developing sense of belonging
Responding to others

Language Development

Connecting through listening, speaking, reading & writing

Listening Comprehension (Receptive Language)
Comprehending spoken language
Following verbal directions

Communication (Expressive Language)
Communicating ideas
Speaking in sentences

Building vocabulary

Phonological Awareness
Hearing small units of sound
Identifying rhyme and alliteration

Concepts of Print
Demonstrating print knowledge

Letter/Word Recognition
Identifying letters and words
Making letter-sound connections

Reading Comprehension
Responding to text
Retelling, asking and answering questions

Emergent Writing
Writing name, words, and/or simple sentences
Expressing through drawings, letters, and/or words

Cognitive Development

Engaging curious minds though discovery and problem solving

Number Concepts
Starting to identify numerals
Counting to determine quantity
Understanding operations

Identifying different shapes
Manipulating parts and wholes

Spatial Awareness
Flips and rotates objects
Determines object location

Patterns & Sorting
Identifying and creating patterns
Matching, sorting, and charting

Estimating and measuring

Solving problems

Physical Development

Building strength, muscle control, coordination

Gross Motor
Building strength and balance
Coordinating large movements

Fine Motor
Controlling small movements
Starting to use drawing/writing tools

Learning to practice good hygiene
Demonstrating safety awareness

Social & Emotional Development

Identifies feelings, self-regulates, build relationships

Expresses preference
Learning to take responsibility
Identifying and manages feelings

Learning to follow rules and routines
Learning to maintain attention
Transitioning and adapting

Social Relationships
Building positive relationships
Caring and responding to others